The Crescent Report

January 1, 2011

Official – Update on Imam Mahdi Bray – 1/1/2011

Filed under: From the Desk of Imam Mahdi Bray — Imam Mahdi Bray @ 1:27 pm
Assalamu aliukum,

Imam Mahdi was working till late night on Wednesday December 29th, 2010, may the Almighty Allah accept from him. It seemed he developed cerebral stroke while sleeping and was immediately transferred to the hospital. He was found to have very high blood pressure and initial CT scan showed he has a hemorrhage in his brain. Repeated scan later in the day showed stable bleeding. An angiogram of his brain showed intact blood vessels. Alhamdulillah, he didn’t need any surgical intervention. He is currently in the Neurosurgical ICU under strict observation.

He was conscious today, recognized friends and family, and held brief conversations. We are hopeful his condition will continue to stabilize insha’Allah.  Imam Mahdi is in need of your prayers to go through this episode and fully recover. Since he is still in critical condition, we are asking visitors to hold off until his condition improves inshaAllah.

Hossam AlJabri
Executive Director, Muslim American Society
“moving people to strive for God consciousness, liberty and justice, and to convey Islam with utmost clarity”

1 Comment »

  1. May Allah(swt)give him complete health and recovery.Amiin
    He is doing Jihad through his pen and Allah(swt)never forgets nor
    denies rewards of those who strife in HIS way.

    Comment by Tahera — January 3, 2011 @ 7:05 am

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