The Crescent Report

December 10, 2007

“Good Ole Days” Before Muslims

Filed under: Immigration — Tags: , , — Imam Mahdi Bray @ 4:35 pm

 There are some in America who will tell you that things were all great back in the “Good ‘Ole Days”. From the way that they talk there was once a day and time in America when there was no crime, no poverty, and no societal problems and everyone was in their place.

When you scratch beneath the surface you will find that a large part of what they are reminiscing over is fantasy built on television lore and another part is based on a yearning for a time when whites in America could live freely without being bothered with granting equal rights to African-Americans, did not have to share their communities with Latino immigrants, and the only houses of worships in the neighborhood were churches.  The nostalgia they really have is for a time and place where bigotry and racism was the order of the day.

Gary Younge in the Guardian UK points out that there are those in Europe today who blame all the problems in their society on the arrival of Muslim immigrants and are being dishonest and inaccurate in their view of their own history before the arrival of Muslim immigrants.

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